Evaluation Services
Evaluation Services
The RED Department intentionally builds in training opportunities to equip partners with the skills and resources needed to successfully navigate their evaluation process, and ultimately have the capacity to utilize the data that their programs produce.
Focus groups and individual interviews generate in-depth information about the perceptions and interactions of students, parents, educators, and community partners. The RED Department creates customized protocols tailored to address the specific needs of each project.
A needs assessment determines an organization’s priorities and capacity to implement a new strategy, program, or initiative. The RED Department has experience conducting needs assessments with a variety of stakeholders from large urban school districts to college access programs housed in university settings.
Many funding agencies require a logic model as part of a grant application or as a guide for program planning and fidelity. A logic model is a visual roadmap that helps programs articulate the hypothesized connections between the program’s resources, activities, outputs, outcomes, and long-term objectives.
The RED Department offers traditional evaluation reports (interim, annual, and final performance), one-page infographics, dynamic data visualizations, executive summaries, briefs, white papers, systems-level profiles, data dashboards, presentations, and social media posts. Reports can be personalized to enhance program learning among staff or tailored to meet accountability to funding requirements.
The RED Department supports the development of new grant proposals and has expertise in writing SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound) goals and objectives. We provide guidance and assistance crafting the evaluation section of grant proposals and work collaboratively with project staff to ensure that evaluation activities align with the program design and logic model. We have experience writing grants for a variety of funding of sources, including state, federal, and non-profit agencies.
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